Substantial 4 bed 2 bath townhouse with large integral garage and terrace. Alhama de Granada
Special Townhouses Substantial 4 bed 2 bath townhouse with large integral garage & terrace. Two lounges & two kichens in Alhama de Granada.Located just 150 metres from the main square this spacious property was fully renovated in the 1980's and has been preserved in amazing condition since that time. Lovingly maintained by the late lady owner this home has been kept spotless and well decorated. Offering very flexible spacious rooms the house is currently laid out with a large garage, store area and workshop plus entrance hall on the ground floor. On the first floor there is a bathroom, kitchen, dining room, lounge and two large double bedrooms. All wrapped around a cute light well. On the second floor there is another utility room, kitchen with fireplace and larder, shower room, lounge/dining room, two further large double bedrooms. despite looking retro with pieces of dark furniture this property is an incredible condition throughout and could be up dated into something very special indeed. Early viewing recommended.